Output progress chart from CK Shaw, Industrial Publicity, London: C&J Temple, 1944, probably copyright by the estate of CK Shaw.

Output progress chart from CK Shaw, Industrial Publicity, London: C&J Temple, 1944, probably copyright by the estate of CK Shaw.



Or you can maybe hear me still at

  • BBC podcast Alan Turing’s Life in Manchester, part of the Gaychester series, now on BBC Sounds. I doubt if this can be heard outside the UK.

  • British Computer Society, 2020. Warning for those seeking detailed hardware history: this is the talk that caused a senior historian of British computing to send me a long list of corrections, along with the entirely correct comment that I was more interested in the people than the machines.

  • My talk, mentioning Manchester, Turing and The Pineapple in Cambridge on 21 Feb 2020, on the CRASSH website. (If you see ‘disallowed characters’ that doesn’t mean you, but does mean you should clear your briowser cookies and retry).

Some of my mathematical biology lectures intended for mathematics undergraduates are available online; please get in touch to find out more.

If you are interested in a talk for your organisation, please get in touch. Audience feedback suggests I am a funny and passionate performer who leaves them fascinated by new perspectives, even on stories they thought they knew, and that the screen should have been bigger: all I know is I love talking about this stuff. It’s mainly history: there’s a little bit of adding up, but no actual maths, though there are existence proofs of maths jokes.